After things end with Jasmine, you will be standing by the elevator on the 2nd floor. Use the key on the door and enter the pool area again. Jasmine will be gone and her locker will be open. PICKUP the latex repair kit that's inside.
Exit the pool area. Go down the elevator to the first floor. WALK right to the cabaret.
Inside the cabaret, PICKUP the tank of helium sitting on the middle table. Exit the cabaret.
Go in the elevator and go up to the eighth floor. If you got rid of Faith, the security desk will be empty. USE the button on the right and a door will open. WALK into the private elevator.
In the high roller suite, WALK left and you should enter the bedroom (see the image above). Note: in order to go back down in the elevator, you need to USE the elevator.
In the bedroom, USE the closet door. Larry will pickup the blow up doll. WALK left and return to the high roller suite.
USE the glass door on the right wall. You will walk out onto a balcony and get your first glimpse of Eve.
Eve is on top of another building. Open Larry's INVENTORY and SELECT the latex repair kit. Use it on the love doll. Next, use the tank of helium on the blow up doll. Watch as Larry fly over to meet Eve.
TALK to Eve. On the close-up, TALK to her lips.
You can choose any topic you like, but if you want to rush to the end, select "Talk about clothing" and she will invite you into the hot tub. Then select "I'd better excuse myself for a moment." and leave the close-up.
USE Larry's jacket, and then USE his pants. Larry will undress. Next, USE the hot tub and Larry will jump in. Click TALK on Eve once again.
While looking at Eve, go into Larry's INVENTORY and SELECT the apple. Return to Eve and use the apple on her.