Leisure Suit Larry - VGA Version - Walkthrough - Fawn

VGA Walkthrough: Fawn The Material Disco Girl

Grab the Candy  - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

In the hooker's room, PICK UP the candy[2] on the small table near the window. [Total: 59]

Grab the Rose - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Now, walk back downstairs, through the bar, and into the back hall (where the drunk is). PICK UP the rose[1] that is in the vase, sitting on one of the kegs. Now, enter the bathroom. [Total: 60]

Look at the Sink and Grab the Diamond Ring - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

In Lefty's bathroom, LOOK at the sink, and you will see that someone has left their ring. PICK UP the diamond ring[3]. Exit the bathroom and leave Lefty's. Hail a cab and head to the casino. [Total: 63]

Going to the Casino - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

At the casino, WALK through the front doors.

Play Blackjack or Slots, then Head to the Elevators - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Inside the casino, check Larry's money situation (Open his INVENTORY and LOOK at Larry's wallet). Play blackjack or slots until you have about $500. When you have sufficient funds, walk up to the elevator.

What's that in the Trash? - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

At the elevator, there is something in the center trash. PICK UP the passcard[1]. Now head south, walk through the casino and exit the building. Hail a cab and head to the disco. [Total: 64]

Getting Past the Bouncer and into the Disco - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

At the disco, USE the passcard on the bouncer[5]. When the bouncer steps aside, WALK into the disco. [Total: 69]

There's a Hot Blonde Girl Sitting Alone - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Inside the disco, USE the empty seat next to the blonde woman[1]. LOOK at the woman. This is Fawn. [Total: 70]

Talking to Fawn - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

While looking at Fawn, click the TALK icon on her lips. Talk to her until Larry asks "what kind of girl are you, anyway?"[1] [Total: 71]

Give Fawn Some Gifts - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Open Larry's INVENTORY, and give Fawn a few of the items you have collected. Give her the rose[5], candy[5] and the diamond ring[5]. Fawn will be happy with Larry's gifts, and they will go dance (enjoy the show). Note: Some walkthroughs give you an extra 5 points when you dance with Fawn ... but we never encountered this (so it's not included in our total). [Total: 86]

Fawn Needs Cash - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

When the dance is over, USE the seat next to Fawn, and then LOOK at her again. Fawn will ask Larry for $200 for a hotel room. If you played the casino games earlier, you should have enough money. If not, exit the disco, and head back to the casino to play some games (and win some cash). When you have enough money, give your wallet to Fawn[7]. [Total: 93]

Enter the Lost Wages Quiki-Wed Chapel - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Fawn will go. Make Larry leave the disco, and hail a cab for the wedding chapel. For an extra point, WALK over to the man in the trench coat and TALK to him[1]. Make sure you have at least $100 before going inside. If you have enough money, USE the door to enter the Quiki-Wed. [Total: 94]

Pay for Larry's Wedding Ceremony - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Inside the chapel, Larry will walk up top the altar and the ceremony will begin. If you have enough cash (at least $100), everything will go smoothly[12]. When done, exit the chapel. Go left one screen and then enter the casino. [Total: 106]

Going up to the honeymoon suite - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Walk up to the elevator. USE the elevator and then press the 4th floor button.

Knock knock - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

USE Larry's hand on door with the heart symbols. Larry will knock and Fawn will let him into the suite.

Turn on the Radio to Warm Her Up - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

If you talk to Fawn (optional), she will say that she wants some wine. USE the radio[1] and wait for a few seconds. An advertisement for a liquor delivery company will eventually come on, and you will get a phone number: 555-8039[1]. [Total: 108]

Cabaret Whoopee Cushion - Leisure Suit Larry - VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Exit the suite, return to the elevator and go down to the first floor. If you want an extra point, WALK right to the cabaret. If the comedian is on stage, USE the only unreserved seat (on the right) and a whoopee cushion will go off[1]. If the comedian is not in the cabaret (it's empty, or the dancers are on stage), leave the cabaret and try again later. When done, exit the casino, and hail a cab for the convenience store. [Total: 109]

To the Come-N-Go to Make a Call - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Outside of the store, USE the telephone.

Ordering Wine from the Delivery Service - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Dial 555-8039 on the telephone key pad[5]. After the conversation, exit the phone booth, and go inside the store. [Total: 114]

Get a box of wine and a dirty magazine - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Inside the store, PICK UP a box of wine from the back shelf[1]. Also, go to the magazine rack in the first row. First, LOOK at the magazine rack (Larry needs to decide which one he likes). Then PICK UP the "JUGS" mazazine[1]. Give Larry's wallet to the clerk to pay (do not leave the store without paying). Exit the store. [Total: 116]

Give Wine to the Bum, and Get the Pocket Knife - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Infront of the store, a bum may appear. SELECT your box of wine and give it to the bum[Total: 5]. He will thank you by giving you a pocket knife. If the bum does not appear, go right one screen and return. Eventually the bum will show up. When done, hail a cab and head back to the casino. [Total: 121]

Note: You need the pocket knife in order to proceed, and you can't take the box of wine into the cab. During the cab ride, open Larry's INVENTORY and LOOK at the "JUGs" Magazine for an extra point[1]. [Total: 122]

 - Pour Some Wine, and Win Over Fawn - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Go inside the casino, to the elevator, to the forth floor and enter the honeymoon suite again. USE the bottle of wine and Larry will pour it for Fawn.

 - Pour Some Wine, and Win Over Fawn - Walkthrough - Leisure Suit Larry: VGA Version - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Now, select UNDRESS and click on Larry. Enjoy the show.

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