Details: The Confederation (Confed) is the main system of government and unity for the systems in Privateer. The four quadrants span Confed territory, so Confed forces are located just about everywhere. If you make enemies with the Confed, be aware that they will respond to any potential threat or enemies in their territory,.
Morale: Confident pros and aces
Ships: Stiletto (fighter), Broadsword (bomber), Paradigm (corvette), and Gladius (fighter)
To Appease: Do not attack Confed, Militia, Bounty Hunters, or Merchants
Do not get caught smuggling (carrying contraband)
Kill Pirates, Retros, and Kilrathis
Enemies: Pirates, Kilrathis, and Retros

Details: As the Confederation can't be everywhere, every local system has it's own local police force. The militia is the standard law enforcement in the systems. Where the Confed may represent the army, the militia represents the local sheriff's department.
Morale: Confident pros, with rare aces
Ships: Gladius (fighter) and Talon (fighter)
To Appease: Do not attack Confed, Militia, Bounty Hunters, or Merchants
Do not get caught smuggling (carrying contraband)
Kill Pirates, Retros, and Kilrathis
Enemies: Pirates, Kilrathis, and Retros

Details: Bounty hunters are paid a bounty for each pirate, Kilrathi, or Retro they kill. Bounty hunters can be found in every system.
Morale: Confident rookies, pros or aces
Ships: Orion (transport/fighter), Centurion (fighter), or Demon (fighter)
To Appease: Do not attack Bounty Hunters or Merchants
Do not align yourself with Pirates, Retros, or Kilrathi
Enemies: Pirates, Kilrathis, and Retros

Details: Merchants are the entreprenuers of the systems. These are the individuals/companies shipping goods from one place to the next, trying to earn a profit. They are more frequent in the quieter quadrants, such as Potter and Humboldt, though they can be found everywhere.
Morale: timid, maybe confident rookie or pro
Ships: Drayman (transport), Galaxy (transport), Tarsus (scout/transport)
To Appease: Do not attack Merchants
Enemies: Pirates, Kilrathis, and Retros

Details: Kilrathi are catlike humonoids, and the sworn enemies of the Confederation ... You mainly find the Kilrathi in Clarke Quadrant, and mostly around the system border, but they do occasionally raid a bit further in.
Morale: Confident or fanatical pros or aces. Gothri are usually piloted by aces.
Ships: Dralthi (fighter), Gothri (heavy fighter/bomber), and Kamekh (corvette)
To Appease: Kill Confederation and/or Militia
Enemies: Kilrathi hate everybody, but especially Confederation

Details: Retros refers to a fanatical offshoot group from the Church of Man. While Church of Man advocates a quiet agrarian lifestyle away from technology, Retros are willing to use technology to destroy all technology. Retros can be found all over, though mainly in Clarke and Fariss quadrants.
Morale: Fanatical rookies or pros. They WILL kamikaze if they think they can kill you doing it.
Ships: Talon (fighter)
To Appease: You cannot align yourself with the Retros.
Enemies: Retros hate everybody.

Details: Pirates make their living by trading in contraband goods and robbing Merchants. Pirates can be found all over, and have their own systems and bases. They primarily appear in Fariss and Humboldt quadrants.
Morale: Confident or fanatical pros or aces.
Ships: Talon (fighters)
To Appease: Kill Confed, Militia, or Bounty Hunters
Kill merchants and retrieve/sell their cargo
Do not kill Pirates
Enemies: Confed, Militia, and Bounty Hunters

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