Scanning devices are essential to any ship - they power your radar. The three brands available here are mostly identical except in the high-priced versions, except that each brand has a diffferent level of color-coding on the HUD. Iris scanners do colorless scanning, where all objects appear in gray. Hunter AW scanners can do basic friendlv- foe coding. Finally, the pricey B & S scanners can detect any object. All color scanners follow this code:

Red = Enemy
Blue = Ally
Yellow = Missile Cyan = Jump Field
Brown = Cargo
White = Nav Point
Gray = Base

The second and third-level scanners of all types carry the ability to use missile lock; for this reason, we suggest that you not buy any one-level scanners, as the lock is required for heatseeking and other tracked missiles. The third-level scanners provide a special ability called ITTS. When activated, ITTS will track the current heading and speed of the currently selected ship, and will create a target on the screen that shows the area you need to aim for to hit that ship. It automatically adjusts for the velocity of each gun.

Your Tarsus comes pre-equipped with the Humboldt Quadrant map and an Iris Mark 2 scanner. All new ships are equipped with Iris Mark One scanners and the map of the current quadrant.

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10,000 Iris MK1 (no color)
Accuracy: 5% chance of detecting type per second
30,000 Iris MK2
Accuracy: 15% chance of detecting type per second
Extras: Missile Lock
60,000 Iris MK3
Accuracy: 25% chance of detecting type per second
Extras: Missile Lock, ITTS

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30,000 Hunter AW 6 (Red and Blue)
Accuracy: 5% chance of detecting type per second
50,000 Hunter AW 6i
Accuracy: 15% chance of detecting type per second
Extras: Missile Lock
80,000 Hunter AW Infinity
Accuracy: 25% chance of detecting type per second
Extras: Missile Lock, ITTS

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40,000 B&S Tripwire
Accuracy: 15% chance of detecting type per second
70,000 B&S E.Y.E.
Accuracy: 25% chance of detecting type per second
Extras: Missile Lock
100,000 B&S Omni
Accuracy: 35% chance of detecting type per second
Extras: Missile Lock, ITTS

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2,000 Humboldt Quadrant
2,000 Fariss Quadrant
2,000 Potter Quadrant
2,000 Clark Quadrant
5,000 All Quadrants

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